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The Vineyards

The Vineyards

The Breganze DOC area within which Cantina Col Dovigo cultivates its vineyards extends north of Vicenza, at the foot of the Asiago Plateau, nestled between the valleys of the rivers Brenta and Astico. The area of Breganze - one of the first Italian areas to obtain a Registered Designation of Origin (DOC) as early as in 1968 - includes all or just part of the following towns: Bassano del Grappa, Breganze, Fara Vicentino, Marostica, Mason, Molvena, Montecchio Precalcino, Pianezze, Salcedo, Sandrigo, Sarcedo, Schiavon and Zugliano.

The vines here are grown both on hilly terrain - which is characterized by a particular volcanic tuff-based morphology - and on plains, where the strength of the torrents has accumulated some layers of white gravel over the centuries.

The soil

The area of Breganze Doc is a hilly territory along the foothills and whose northern side is sheltered by the Asiago Plateau. Over the centuries, the eruptions of ancient volcanoes as well as the impetus of torrents including the Chiavone Nero have contributed to create and shape the hill ridge on which the vines’ roots are currently lying. The soil has a shallow soft fertile layer over a thick basaltic rock plate which releases micro elements and minerals,  which in turn are absorbed by the roots, giving special aromas and flavour and adding mineral contents to the grapes.

The microclimate

La favorevole posizione di Breganze regala alle uve un microclima particolarmente adatto ad esaltarne le caratteristiche organolettiche. 

Gli inverni piuttosto miti, caratterizzati da abbondanti precipitazioni alle volte anche a caratterere nevoso, sono seguiti da primavere ed estati soleggiate ma fresche. A metà pomeriggio, dall’Altopiano di Asiago, scende una brezza fresca che favorisce l’escursione termica, e che abbinata alle ottime esposizioni solari, è ideale per una perfetta maturazione fenolica e aromatica delle uve. 

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